Monday, June 11, 2007

Keaton is Growing

Smart Hudson Quotes:

Kathryn and Hudson were discussing what he did at the gym children's play area. Hudson said:
"My friend Nathan was there. Nathan's name is polysyllabic."

The boys are doing well. Keaton is growing as you can see below. Landon is talking a lot now, though it's pretty tough understanding him sometimes. The uncanny thing is that Hudson always seems to know what he's saying and translates for us. Hudson is really maturing. Today, he and Kathryn put Landon and Keaton down for their nap and decided to watch the "Cars" movie together. Ten minutes into the movie, Kathryn was tired and decided to take a nap. Hudson finished watching the movie, turned off the DVD player and TV, and went to the bathroom. In the process, he dribbled a little on his pants, so he quietly snuck into he and Landon's room without waking Landon, put his dirty pants in the laundry, and changed into the new ones. He then went to the playroom and quietly played until Kathryn woke up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keaton, you are sooooooo handsome!
Can't wait to see you men in July!