Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Who was right, Mommy or Hudson?

Thanks for your comments, everyone! Several of you have asked who was correct about the car - Mommy with the Honda Civic, or Hudson with the Honda Accord (old body style). For future reference, when it comes to cars, always assume Hudson is right and Mommy is wrong!! It's just that one of them is much more interested in them than the other. Hudson was correct. He was wrong, however, with the "honey" reference - that hasn't returned!

Well, it's official: Landon is crawling. Ironic as it is, he decided to crawl (on all fours) for the first time not during the 13 hours a day his mother spends with him, but during the two hours per weeknight his father is home. To make matters worse, she had run to the store. Daddy did get it on video (not usually his first thought), though.

We are in official Christmas spirit. We had friends over last Saturday, this Saturday we go the the Mayo Clinic department of surgery Christmas party, and the following Saturday we are having our Sunday School class (the Plunge) of about 50 newly marrieds over for a Christmas party. Merry Christmas to you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Boy! Nice work Hudson. Kathryn, I can't believe Landon crawled on all four's for Rick first. What is it? Most kids say "Dada" before "Mama" too.

Went cross-country skiing again this morning. The 80 acres is so BEAUTIFUL. All the trees are heavy with snow, the sun is shining and I just worshipped God a new. Love, Mom (Dad too!)