Last summer was a lot of fun with the addition of a dog to the family swim times...
In September, Hudson turned nine and we had a fun party to celebrate.
In October, Rick and Kathryn attended a Family Matters event at Lake Tahoe and we had a great time and got away to hike to a small lake in the mountains.
Keaton started Pre-K this fall and started off with a western day with his mommy.
For Halloween we went trick-or-treating in the neighborhoods in our area, including one house that set up their own haunted house. We also went to a three church harvest festivals and had a lot of fun and a lot of candy.
We enjoyed the great fall weather around home and took some pictures in our Sunday best.
Christmas was great. The boys loved all their presents. Cody (our dog) seemed to like their new trampoline best as he likes to chase them around from under it and jump up at their feet as they bounce and run.
Between Christmas and New Year, we traveled to visit Kathryn's sister and her family. The boys enjoyed having fun with their cousins and exploring Houston.
Hudson and Landon both played basketball this winter. Rick coached both of their teams. They both did a great job and had plenty of fun.
February brought the Mayo Department of Surgery Black Tie Dinner and a chance for Rick and Kathryn to dress up and go out.
Valentine's day is also Landon's birthday - number 7. He had a great party, got lots of gifts, and enjoyed his Green Bay Packer's-themed birthday cookie cake.
Later in February, Kathryn joined Rick on a business trip to Las Vegas. They were able to take in a show and see the sights while there. Here's a photo in the amazing lobby of the Wynn hotel.
We also took the boys to their first Hockey game - a Phoenix Coyotes home win!
Keaton had another western day at Pre-K in February.
Keaton turned 5 at the end of the month. He had a fun party also with a train theme.
In March, we had a day of pretty heavy hail that turned our backyard lawn white
For spring break, the whole clan went to Orlando for a wild time at Disney. We hit the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Wild Animal Park, and Disney Hollywood Studios parks over four days. After a day at the hotel pool, we also hit Kennedy Space Center. It was a great time and the two older boys loved the rides - the bigger the better. They even went on things like Space Mountain and Expedition Everest by themselves. It was a great experience.
Now, this spring Hudson and Landon started on a baseball team. It's a machine-pitch league and they've enjoyed being on the same team. They shared the game-ball award for the first game of the season when they teamed up for a great defensive 5-3 out, and Hudson got the game ball in their most recent game after going 2 for 3 with a double and a diving defensive out.

So that's a whirlwind update on our goings on. We're still very blessed and thankful to God, as the recent Easter holiday reminds us of the important perspective of where we would be without God's grace.